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Working with Archetypes on an individual basis

9 June 2021 | 19:00 - 22:00

- €105
De held van je eigen levensverhaalFrederique te Dorsthorst - de Muij

De held van je eigen levensverhaal

In ‘Working with Archetypes on an individual basis’ you’ll learn how to work one on one on the archetypal level of stories.

We’ll focus on which archetypes are dominant within yourself. How you recognize them. How you connect to them. And how you make them work for you instead of against you. You will be introduced to your own inner board of directors and to your various archetypal sub-teams.

Through various practical exercises you will discover which group of archetypes are dominant in you in certain situations.

At the end of the workshop you’ve learned:

  • what archetypes are (in my point of view ;-))
  • how to recognize the influence of archetypes in certain situations
  • how to determine an inner board room of dominant archetypes
  • how to connect to the inner wisdom of the archetypes and
  • how to see, feel, sense, hear, taste and inner know the treasure that is hidden underneath the shadow sides of your archetypes

Importance of Connecting to your Archetypes

The deepest transformation among my clients always takes place on the archetypal layer of their stories.

Every story, both fictional and true, has several layers through which we communicate information to our listeners. On the surface current of our stories there are the words we speak out loud, the behaviour we show explicitly. But in the undercurrent we pass on much more information we are most of the time not aware of.

The archetypal and metaphorical layer is one of those undercurrent layers through which we pass information, both individually, as in groups or organisations. These ‘images’ of primeval characters show old both personal and collective patterns. When you connect to this inner wisdom the patterns that hold you back can be revealed and transformed.

Module ‘Working with Archetypes’

The module ‘Working with Archetypes’ consists of two workshops:

  1. Working with Archetypes on an individual basis
  2. Working with Archetypes in groups

In this 1st workshop we dive into getting to know more about archetypes in general and in working with them on an individual basis. It can be interesting for your own development of as a professional working with coaches, or employees, for example.

Working with Archetypes in groups

In the second workshop ‘Working with Archetypes in groups’ we’ll deepen and broaden working with archetypes to an organisational setting. I’ll show you how to address and attach the inner archetypal wisdom of a team or of an organisation in whole.

You’ll learn how to support and transform teams by tapping into their own inner archetypal wisdom. And how you can translate that wisdom into concrete actions on strategic, tactical and operational level.

Central in both workshops are the following questions:

  • How do you recognize the archetypal layer of a story?
  • How do you recognize which archetypes are dominant?
  • How can working with archetypes support you in your work with your clients?
  • How do you translate this archetypal wisdom into concrete actions on strategic, tactical and operational level.


You can register for the first workshop only. Or for both workshops at once. In that case you’ll get a reduced rate. It is not possible to attend only the second workshops, because it builds on the approach and knowledge of the first one.

Register by filling in the register form below. Afterward paying the invoice your registration is completed and you’ll receive the zoom link.

Data: 9th of June (individual basis) + 23th of June (groups)
Investment: €105,= (one workshop), €199 (both workshops).
Language: English

Note to Dutch participants: these amounts are ex 21% VAT. Do you want to attend this workshops in Dutch? Join the workshops on the 20th and 23rd of May.

All workshops continue when there are 4 participants or more.

What are archetypes?

A lot has been said and written about what archetypes exactly are. The most simple explanation is: Archetypes represent the good and bad qualities of a character type within us. These characteristics emerge in certain specific situations. For example, if you’re arguing with someone, your inner Warrior gets up. He or she stands for what is really important for you.

The more complete answer is also more complex:

We all have hundreds or thousands of ‘inner forces’ or ‘inner selves’ within us. Jung called them ‘archetypes’, because in their purest form they are the ‘first’ ( = arche) of their species ( = type). These archetypes support us most of the time, but they certainly also can hinder us in our doings.

The more we are aware of the influence of our dominant archetypes in our daily lives, the more we lead these ‘inner forces’ as if we were a ‘CEO’ of an multinational inner company. In other words, the better we are connected to our inner strength, the easier we can be the hero of our own lives.

Want to know more about archetypes? Read:

Doing business in disruptive times


9 June 2021
19:00 - 22:00
Event Category:
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9 June 2021
19:00 - 22:00
Event Category:
Event Tags:
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